Before I get into the specifics of what I saw at Saturday’s KU football practice, let me explain one thing.
We were told before the spring began that the media would get one day to go out and watch practice but we don’t know yet when that day will be. Saturday, those of us who attended KU’s Hannah & Friends football clinic at Anschutz Sports Pavilion were lucky enough to observe an hour of KU’s third practice of the spring, the team’s first in pads.
The clinic itself was great. It was really cool to see so many of these players get into working with the people with special needs. Lots of smiles, lots of laughs, lots of fun. That made the hour of practice a bonus, but it definitely was great to get a look at some of the new guys, which was where I spent most of my time during the practice session.
I just wanted to get that explanation out of the way so you would know that the “What Caught My Eye” feature would not be as regular of a thing this spring. But I hope for it to return full bore in August.
For now, here’s what caught my eye from Saturday’s action:
**• Junior college transfer Tedarian Johnson is a freaking truck.** Most recruiting services had him listed at 260 pounds throughout his recruitment, but the guy is a legit 290. And he moves well. I don’t know how he’ll fit into KU’s plans on its suddenly-deep defensive line, but his size definitely caught me by surprise.
**• All of that talk about junior defensive tackle Keon Stowers as a leader seems legit.** You could see it even during the clinic with the Special Olympians but it really showed up during drills in practice. I think part of the reason Stowers has emerged, seemingly out of nowhere, is that (a) he battled injuries last year and could not play to his potential, (b) he didn’t want to overstep his bounds and wanted to be respectful of last year’s seniors and c) KU really needs leaders on defense. Stowers is one of the real good dudes on this team and it’s cool to see him stepping up.
**• KU coach Charlie Weis was not afraid to get after these guys** — none of the coaches were. I heard a lot of yelling and sensed a lot of urgency from the staff during individual drills. I think they’re trying to set the tone for the season early and, by doing that, are reminding these guys that losing is not acceptable. I didn’t hear names or see numbers, but at one point I even heard Weis yell, “He’s gonna take your job.” Nothing like some good, ol’ competition.
**• Although limited, Saturday’s practice gave me my first extended look since last year’s spring game at how QB Jake Heaps works.** And even that was not that great of a representation of who he is and how he operates since we all knew then that he could not play in 2012. I really like his demeanor. He’s a natural leader, carries himself with confidence and crispness and seems to be a really easy guy to want to follow. We didn’t see a ton of throws so that’ll have to wait for another day, but there’s no question that this is his team and his offense.