Hey, everyone. You’ll never believe this. Cheick Diallo is entering the NBA Draft.
This obviously isn’t news [at this point][1], but we do have Diallo’s somewhat official statement on the matter as of Monday afternoon.
The big man who spent one season at Kansas tweeted out a letter regarding his decision to sign with an agent and forego his college eligibility.
> “After spending the last couple of
> weeks thinking about my future,”
> Diallo stated in his Twitter message,
> “I took the decision to enter the 2016
> NBA Draft, and signed with an agent
> today.
> “It was not an easy call, but time has
> come for me to take that step up to
> the next level and make my goal of
> joining the NBA come true.”
Diallo details his unlikely life path from Kayes, Mali, to where he is now in the open letter, which includes thank-yous to those he encountered along the way.
The gregarious post player also thanks his fans, and declares himself “a Jayhawk for life.”
> “This is the first step of many more
> to come,” Diallo says in the closing
> paragraph, “and I am looking forward
> to the new challenges with confidence
> and determination.”
Read Diallo’s entire letter below.
Hey everyone! After spending some time thinking about my future, I decided to enter the 2016 @NBADraft #CD13 #NBA pic.twitter.com/wXFAN4dNDo
— _cd13 (@cheick_diallo13) May 16, 2016
[1]: http://www2.kusports.com/news/2016/may/16/self-not-surprised-diallos-decision-stay-nba-draft/