Saturday’s portion of Kansas Relays called off because of expected bad weather

By J-W Staff Report     Apr 16, 2015

Saturday’s portion of the 2015 Kansas Relays has been canceled because of severe weather expected to hit Lawrence, KU officials announced Thursday.

Thus, all the events will be crammed into a busy day of track and field from 8 a.m. until just before midnight Friday at Rock Chalk Park. The downtown shot put event is still slated for 6 p.m., Friday near the intersection of 8th and Vermont.

The revised schedule is available here.

“Our main goal is to make sure everyone — high school and collegiate athletes — has an opportunity to compete this weekend,” said meet director Milan Donley. “Looking at the Saturday forecast, there is a high probability that many of the athletes would not have been able to participate. We feel that by moving events to Friday, we have a much better chance of achieving that goal.”

For more information go to the Kansas athletics website.


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46541Saturday’s portion of Kansas Relays called off because of expected bad weather