**7:09 p.m.** – On the way out of Ford Field, I wanted to drop by Comerica Park just across the street and see if I could get a glimpse of the place (I’m a baseball stadiums kind of guy. Nothing makes my wife roll her eyes more).However, the blizzard had already started here in Motown, and I instead darted to the media shuttle to get the heck out. It’s really coming down, now. It’s starting to stick, and it apparently isn’t close to being done yet. Of course, the Kansas City Royals play the Detroit Tigers here on Monday, which is an awful idea. I can’t imagine **Gil Meche** and **Justin Verlander** pitching anywhere but strictly on the inside corner. Nothing more painful than getting jammed on a cold day.But back to basketball. Those of you driving into Detroit tomorrow, be careful. Those of you staying home and listening to **Gus Johnson** [call the game][1] for CBS, think warm thoughts for all of us up here. There’s nothing worse than snow in the spring.This is my last post of the day, as I’m getting some grub and, perhaps, heading across the icy Detroit River to check out Windsor. My passport might get its first stamp, and that’s super cool.See ya guys tomorrow.**3:12 p.m.** – A couple of tidbits of interest, though none of any relevance.- Both KU coach **Bill Self** and Villanova coach **Jay Wright** were humorously asked about their gameday attire, and asked specifically who looks sharper.Self said he’s in the minor leagues compared to Wright, a coach he considers the best-dressed in college basketball.”If our team doesn’t out-battle Villanova,” Self said, “we will go 0-for-2.”The dark horse in this discussion: **Kerry Keating**, the [head coach at Santa Clara][2] and the son of KU associate athletic director **Larry Keating**.Larry Keating probably thinks his boy is without peer (every dad thinks so). There’s some evidence out there: As a UCLA assistant last year, Kerry made the [Final Four of best-dressed assistants][3]. Such success undoubtedly got him into the head-coaching ranks.- Wisconsin finished up its public practice by shooting running half-courters until someone made one. Freshman forward **Keaton Nankivil** finally banked one home before everyone ran off the court.- Kansas just started its practice, and all-time good guy **Jeremy Case** tripped while walking onto the stage/court. He turned and waved to the crowd while his teammates laughed at him. Good stuff.- Decent crowd here for the practices. I think. I really can’t tell with 72,818 seats here.**1:50 p.m.** – Villanova is just wrapping up its open practice, but this was an interesting story that colleague **Jonathan Kealing** sent my way.Apparently, Davidson College [set up a fund][4] this week to pay for tickets, transportation and lodging for any students who want to go to Detroit for tomorrow’s game.Judging by the $41,000-a-year tuition, it might not be a bad idea.Overall, good move by Davidson. It’s hard to overstate how broke I was while attending KU. That’s why I watched the 2002 and 2003 Final Fours (my junior and senior years) from Lawrence.Of course, KU athletic director **Lew Perkins** has hooked students up on a smaller scale. Kansas paid for tickets for any student wishing to go to the 2003 Tangerine Bowl and 2005 Fort Worth Bowl.Be back in a couple of hours after all the interviews are done.**12:10 p.m.** – Full disclosure: I have bad vision. I get woozy if I walk around without my contacts in.Still, even with my eyeballs in Thursday morning, the [ layout of Ford Field][5] seemed like an optical illusion to my brain. Let me explain.The upper deck is closed today for the four open practices, so I can’t go to the worst seat in the house and blog about how bad it is, as I had planned to.![][6]So instead, I stood at the top of the 100 level on the south side and stared at the ants playing basketball. The court, very far away, looked to me like it was hugging the 100 level on the north side.From the southeast side of the stadium (pictured, the first picture in Sawin’ Wood history!), the court looked like it was on the northwest corner of the field. From the southwest side? It looked far, far away on the northeast corner of the field.Really, the court is right in the middle of the football-field area, so my brain is playing tricks on me. I can’t explain why the court _always_ looked far away from where I was sitting, but it’s creepy.I will say this: Ford Field is a beautiful facility. Absolutely beautiful. If you have good tickets, you will love the experience.From the worst seats in the 100 (lower) level, you’ll be able to see the action. You’ll know what’s going on. A video board hangs over the court.But the court will be a long way away from where you sit. And if your eyes are as screwy as mine, it’ll appear even longer.**10:13 a.m. (EST)** – Heading over to Ford Field shortly, hopefully in a heated vehicle (it’s 39 degrees here in Motown). My initial impressions of downtown Detroit is that Ford Field and Comerica Park are a couple of roses in a thorn bush.Anyway, here are a few links to get your day started. As always, only read these after you’ve checked out [ every single story][7] we’ve written here. Except for [NCAA.com][8]. Check that site out constantly.I will be posting all day long, as will colleague Ryan Greene. So there’s no need to be productive at work today:**Ray Parillo, Philadelphia Inquirer:** CBS analyst **Steve Lappas**, a former Villanova coach, [thinks Kansas will win][9] Friday’s game. However, “I think Villanova definitely has a chance.”**Jay Mariotti, Chicago Sun-Times**: One of America’s finest pot stirrers [wonders if this is the year][10] for Kansas coach **Bill Self**. This story actually is a few days old, but whatever.**Rich Hofmann, Philadelphia Daily News:** Villanova’s **Corey Fisher** has [ played through inconsistencies][11] to help the Wildcats.**Bob Ford, Philadelphia Inquirer:** Every team, especially one filled with youth, needs a leader. **Dante Cunningham** [has become one][12] for Villanova.** Joe Juliano, Philadelphia Inquirer:** Villanova’s **Corey Stokes** ignored everyone’s advice and [ became a player][13] for the Wildcats. [1]: http://www2.kusports.com/podcasts/spodcasters/2008/mar/27/welcoming_gus_johnson/ [2]: [3]: http://www.collegeinsider.com/royale/a_brackets.html [4]: http://sports.espn.go.com/ncb/ncaatourney08/news/story?id=3314342 [5]: http://www2.kusports.com/news/2008/mar/25/regional_tickets_available/?mens_basketball [6]: http://worldonline.media.clients.ellingtoncms.com/img/photos/2008/03/27/03-27-08_1155.jpg [7]: http://www2.kusports.com/mens_basketball/ncaa_tournament/2008/ [8]: http://www.ncaa.com [9]: http://www.philly.com/philly/sports/20080327_Lappas_says_Villanova_has_chance.html [10]: http://www.suntimes.com/sports/856097,mariotti032208.article [11]: http://www.philly.com/philly/sports/colleges/20080327_Rich_Hofmann__Villanova_s_Fisher_weathers_ups_and_downs_of_freshman_year.html [12]: http://www.philly.com/philly/sports/colleges/20080327_Bob_Ford__Villanova_s_Cunningham_becomes_leader.html [13]: http://www.philly.com/philly/sports/colleges/20080327__Nova_s_Stokes_ignored_advice_and_prospered.html