I can’t believe I forgot this.While chatting with [Vance Carlton][1] of the Orange Bowl the other day, the most pressing subject of all came up.What’s the halftime show going to be?”ZZ Top,” he replied.”Who?””ZZ Top.””Really?””Yeah.””ZZ Top?””Yeah.””[Awesome.][2]”Hope you [ enjoy rockin.][3] I’m starting to grow my beard….NOW!**- It’s only fair** that I update you on the interview shortage [I blogged about][4] yesterday.KU has made some players available this Friday, and we in the media undoubtedly are grateful for it. So be on the lookout next week for stories about specific players that have, obviously, had tremendous seasons collectively.See ya around. [1]: http://www2.kusports.com/news/2007/dec/04/orange_bowl_extends_person_invite_ku/?football [2]: http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d76/joshgrimes/beavis_and_butthead_headbanging.gif [3]: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fW_QCRGvT-g [4]: http://www2.kusports.com/blogs/sawin_wood/2007/dec/04/sawinwood120407/