Some people can’t help but make good subjects for photos. The camera consistently brings out the best in West Virginia coach Bob Huggins, even when he doesn’t get all dressed up for the occasion.
See if you can top my captions on any or all of these five Journal-World photos of Huggins, against whom most of you will be rooting Tuesday night. By the way, don’t tell anybody, but he’s actually one of the more likeable coaches in college basketball. But don’t let that stop you from flailing away. I’ll select the winners. The prize? Bragging rights.
**No. 1** (By Associated Press)
**No. 2** (By Mike Yoder)
**No. 3** (By Associated Press)
**No. 4** (By Mike Yoder)
**No. 5** (By Nick Krug)
**Last call for Frank Mason captions**
Suzi Marshall is the leader in the clubhouse in the [Frank Mason caption competition][1], but there still is time to overtake her. Not much time, though. In 24 hours, I’ll reveal the winners.