Perry Ellis cleared by doctors, should be fine for Tuesday’s game against Baylor, Bill Self says

By J-W Staff Report     Feb 21, 2016

Kansas University senior forward Perry Ellis, who suffered a cut in his head that required 12 stitches to close and had his eye scratched by teammate Wayne Selden Jr. late in Saturday’s victory at Kansas State, has been cleared to practice Monday and should be “good to go” for Tuesday’s game against Baylor, coach Bill Self told the Journal-World on Sunday night.

Self said the 6-foot-8 Ellis would not need to wear goggles. He did not practice in the Jayhawks’ short workout Sunday, but is expected to go Monday.

“His head is fine. The eye is sore but getting better,” Self said, noting Ellis was checked out by doctors Saturday night and again Sunday.

“Reports from the ophthalmologist was positive. It is a scratch and it should heal up in a couple of days. We gave him today off and he should be able to practice tomorrow. With his head, he is fine. He just has some stitches on top of it,” Self stated.


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48314Perry Ellis cleared by doctors, should be fine for Tuesday’s game against Baylor, Bill Self says