Lawrence City Commission agenda set for Dec. 1 meeting

By Nikki Wentling     Nov 27, 2015

Bottom line: Commissioners will consider authorizing the city to issue $7.8 million in industrial revenue bonds for the proposed development of apartments at 800 New Hampshire Ave. The bonds would allow developers to be exempt from paying sales tax on construction materials for the project.

Background: Local businessman Doug Compton has confirmed he has a deal to convert the former Pachamamas restaurant into a five-story apartment building. There are plans for the first floor to be restaurant or retail space, and the remainder of the building would comprise 50 to 55 apartments.

The cost of construction materials is estimated at $3,498,982. The requested $7.8 million in industrial revenue bonds is estimated to cost the city approximately $74,000 in sales tax revenue. It would cost the state an estimated $227,000 and Douglas County about $13,000. The city’s Public Incentives Review Committee is recommending the bonds be granted.

The City Commission convenes at 5:45 p.m. at City hall, 6 E. Sixth St.

Consent agenda

• Approve City Commission meeting minutes from 08/18/15, 08/25/15, 09/01/15, and 09/08/15.

• Receive minutes from various boards and commissions:

Lawrence-Douglas County Bicycle Advisory Committee meeting of 10/19/15 and Attachment

Building Code Board of Appeals meetings of 08/13/15, 09/09/15, and 10/08/15

Sustainability Advisory Board meeting of 10/14/15

Lawrence-Douglas County Health Board meeting of 09/21/15

Public Transit Advisory Committee meeting of 09/08/15

Historic Resources Commission meetings of 09/17/15 and 10/15/15

Lawrence Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Meeting of 11/10/15

• Approve all claims. The list of claims will be posted by the Finance Department on Monday prior to the meeting. If Monday is a holiday, the claims will be posted as soon as possible the next business day.

• Approve licenses as recommended by the City Clerk’s Office.

• Approve appointments as recommended by the Mayor.

• Bid and purchase items:

a) Award Bid No. B1546; Water and Wastewater Treatment Chemicals for 2016 to the bidders marked by a triple asterisk (*) on the attached bid summary.

b) Authorize the Interim City Manager to Execute Engineering Services Agreement with Professional Engineering Consultants in the amount of $54,217.00 for the El Dorado Drive Waterline Replacement Project UT1517.

c) Authorize the sole-source purchase of three replacement ABB Variable Frequency Drives from Logic, Inc. for the combined total purchase price of $109,020.20 for Utilities Treatment Plants.

d) Waive bidding requirements and approve the purchase of four (4) dump trucks, plows and spreader combinations for $636,588.00. 2016 budgeted accounts: 1 – (Storm Water) 505-3-3910-6005, $159,147.00; 2 – (Motor Fuel Tax) 214-3-3800-6005, $318,294.00; 1- (Equipment Reserve) 202-3-3000-6005, $159,147.00 and Adopt Resolution No. 7146 in the amount of $159,147.00 for the purchase on (1) dump truck, including spreader, plows, feedback hydraulics, and dump body.

e) Authorize the Planning and Development Services Department to purchase one (1) compact SUV form Laird Noller Ford for the amount of $23,444.00 following the city’s one percent local preference purchasing policy.

f) Approve sale of surplus equipment on GovDeals.

g) Approve the low bid provided by Laird Noller Automotive Inc., for two F-350 trucks and one F-450 truck for the Parks and Recreation Department, at a total purchase price of $114,762.

h) Authorize the Solid Waste Division to purchase (1) Automated Side Load Refuse truck from Downing Sales and Service for the net amount of $187,747.00 through the HGAC cooperative purchasing contract.

i) Authorize the installation of hearing loop in the City Commission to help aid individuals with hearing difficulties. Authorize $6693.00 to Kansas Audio Visual for the hearing loop and $13158.16 to Carpet One for carpet installation.

• Adopt on first reading, the following ordinances:

a) Ordinance No. 9181, to rezone (Z-15-00427) approximately 2.96 acres located at 1501 Learnard Ave from RS7 (Single-Dwelling Residential) District to IL (Limited Industrial) District with conditions to limit certain uses. (PC Item 3; approved 8-0 on 11/16/15)

b) Ordinance No. 9178, to rezone (Z-15-00463) approximately 11.855 acres from RM12D (Multi-Dwelling Residential) District to RS7 (Single-Dwelling Residential) District and OS (Open Space) District, located at 5800 Overland Dr. (PC Item 4; approved 8-0 on 11/16/15)

c) Ordinance No. 9179, to rezone (Z-15-00469) approximately 14.756 acres from GPI (General Public and Institutional) District, RM12 (Multi-Dwelling Residential) District and RS40 (Single-Dwelling Residential) District to RM12 (Multi-Dwelling Residential) District, located at 5200 & 5300 Clinton Pkwy. (PC Item 6A; approved 8-0 on 11/16/15)

d) Ordinance No. 9180, for a Special Use Permit (SUP-15-00468) for an Active Recreation use, an indoor/outdoor Fitness & Tennis Facility, located at 5200 & 5300 Clinton Pkwy. (PC Item 6B; approved 8-0 on 11/16/15)

e) Ordinance No. 9182, for a Text Amendment (TA-15-00443) to the City of Lawrence Development Code, Chapters 4, 9 and 17, to define and create an Event Center use. (PC Item 8; approved 8-0 on 11/16/15)

f) Ordinance No. 9183, for a Text Amendment (TA-15-00391) to the City of Lawrence Land Development Code to modify the Personal Convenience Services and Personal Improvement Service uses and to amend Articles 4, 5 and 17 to address modifications. (PC Item 9; approved 8-0 on 11/16/15)

• Adopt on second and final reading, the following ordinances:

a) Ordinance 9166 establishing a Yield Sign for northbound traffic on Bauer Lane at Bauer Farm Drive.

b) Ordinance 9164 establishing a Stop Sign on 18th Street at Vermont Street.

c) Ordinance 9163 establishing Yield Signs on Ohio Street at 5th Street.

d) Ordinance 9165 establishing Stop Signs on the 23rd Street Frontage Road at the access point west of O’Connell Road.

• Receive request from Menard, Inc. for economic development assistance to aid in establishing a manufacturing site on 90+ acres in Lawrence VenturePark, refer request to Staff for analysis and the Public Incentives Review Committee (PIRC) for recommendation, and establish January 5, 2016 as a public hearing date on the request.

• Authorize the Interim City Manager to execute right of way license agreement with RG Fiber for installation of fiber optic facilities.

• Authorize staff to request proposals from consulting firms for updating of the Parks & Recreation Department Comprehensive Master Plan.

• Authorize staff to increase 2016 golf fees at Eagle Bend Golf Course and authorize staff to adjust future fees at Eagle Bend Golf Course as needed to maximize operational efficiency.

• Authorize the Mayor to sign the Release of Mortgage for Robyn Brecheisen, 1504 East 21st Terrace.

Receive city manager’s report

Receive public comment of a general nature

Regular agenda

• Conduct public hearing to consider the vacation of right-of-way described as Lots 6, 7A, 7B, 8, and 9 on Quarry Lane, in the Rockledge Addition (aka 3100 Block of Bob Billings Parkway, 2133 Terrace Road, 2131 Terrace Road, and 2129 Terrace road), as requested by property owners, Robert and Elizabeth Lichtwardt, Susan Brosseau and William Kalinich, and Kylee Manahan.

ACTION: Direct staff as appropriate.

• Receive recommendation from the Public Incentive Advisory Committee on Industrial Revenue Bond financing for a redevelopment project at 800 New Hampshire Street and adopt Resolution No. 7135, authorizing the issuance of up to $7,800,000 in industrial revenue bonds for the 800 New Hampshire Street project for the purpose of obtaining a sales tax exemption on project construction materials.

ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. 7135, if appropriate.

• Consider the appeal of the Historic Resources Commission’s determination per 20-308(g) of the Land Development Code for the installation of a metal arch associated with the sidewalk dining area located in the public right-of-way adjacent to 1012 Massachusetts Street.

ACTION: Make a determination for the installation of a metal arch associated with the sidewalk dining area located in the public right-of-way adjacent to 1012 Massachusetts Street based on the Downtown Design Guidelines.

• STAR Communities Briefing and Energy Efficient Retrofit Proposal.

ACTION: Authorize staff to issue a Request for Qualification (RFQ) to select an energy management company to assist city staff with energy analyses, calculation of savings, and project implementation.


Final shot: KU needs to topple K-State to avoid winless season


47754Lawrence City Commission agenda set for Dec. 1 meeting