Matt Tait’s KU football trivia questions (Part 2)

By Staff     Oct 11, 2010

Interested in possibly winning four tickets to the KU/KSU football game this Thursday?

It’s as easy as answering the five questions below and submitting them to by Tuesday, Oct. 12 at 4 p.m. Winner will be selected at random from all correct entries.

Complete rules and questions are below.

Monday’s Questions:

  1. Two of these three KU coaches had a winning record against K-State. Which one did not? Mark Mangino, Terry Allen, Glen Mason.
  2. This KU running back rushed for 201 yards in a 39-20 victory against the Wildcats in 2006.
  3. Kansas set a school record for attendance at the time when 52,230 fans packed Memorial Stadium to watch the Jayhawks and Wildcats play. In what year did it take place?
  4. What was the score of the infamous “Toilet Bowl” tie between KU and KSU in 1987?
  5. Many are familiar with K-State’s 11-game winning streak in the Sunflower Showdown series that stretched from 1993 to 2003. But what is the longest winning streak by KU in the series?

Miss Sunday’s questions? Get them here.

Answer Matt’s questions for a chance at our Grand Prize of four tickets and parking pass to this Thursday’s KU/KSU showdown (Oct. 14). Runner-up receives two tickets to the game.

How to enter. Email your answers, name and phone number to:

Deadline for all entries: Tuesday, Oct. 12, 4 p.m.

You only have to answer one set of questions correctly to be eligible.

Winners will be chosen by random drawing of correct entries received, and will be notified Tuesday evening, October 12 via contact information provided. World Company Employees and their immediate families are not eligible to win. Must be 14 years of age or older to win. Prizes must be claimed by 12:00 p.m. Wednesday, October 13 or an alternate winner(s) will be selected. Winner furthermore indemnifies the World Company, its agents and employees against any claim or liability, including personal injury, that results from accepting the prize or attending the football game. The World Company is not responsible for any additional charges that may be incurred by the winner or levied by Kansas University for attending the football game. No purchase necessary to win. We reserve the right to make adjustments to the prizes given out in case of unforeseen circumstances. The logos, branding and marks of, NCAA, Kansas University and its athletic department, Texas A&M University and its athletic department, and all other registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners.


KU's game against Texas A&M to kick off at 6 p.m.


36316Matt Tait’s KU football trivia questions (Part 2)