Plans unveiled to accommodate KU-KSU football fans on a Thursday night

By Andy Hyland     Aug 23, 2010

Kansas University has announced special parking plans and extra buses to help faculty and staff deal with a Thursday night football game later this semester.

When KU plays Kansas State at 6:30 p.m. Oct. 14 at Memorial Stadium, students will be on fall break, but KU will close 12 parking lots near the stadium on Wednesday evening. Another nine — including the parking garage north of the Kansas Union — will close to staff and public parking at 12:30 p.m. Thursday.

To help reduce congestion on campus, some staff members will be allowed to leave work one hour early, and academic offices may close at 4 p.m. There are some exceptions: The student health center will remain open until 4:30 p.m., and libraries will not close until 5 p.m.

In addition, employees are encouraged to park in KU’s Park and Ride lot on West Campus, where free buses will be provided. Additional buses have been added to the route to reduce wait times.

The Allen Fieldhouse parking garage — where there is a Park and Ride Express bus stop — will be open to all faculty and staff permit holders on Oct. 14.

Additional details and a map are posted online at


Put a lid on it


35965Plans unveiled to accommodate KU-KSU football fans on a Thursday night