BULLETIN: Chuck Mather Quits As Oread Grid Boss

By Staff     Oct 30, 1957

Kansas University football coach Chuck Mather today told his Jayhawker squad at a pre-practice meeting that he and his staff are resigning effective the end of this season.

Mather, whose Jayhawker football team currently has a 1-4-1 record, said the pressure is too great and that he and his staff are quitting, Mather’s statement, issued during practice today:

“Last night our staff with deep regret came to the conclusion that we cannot solve the football problem at the University of Kansas even by winning the next four games. Therefore, we hereby submit our resignations.

“In fairness to the fine young men on our team who have already played to the best of their ability, we feel that it is only fair not to have them competing under the pressure of winning to save the coach’s job.

“They have been plagued by injury and sickness, and highly over-matched, yet have never quit and I am sure will not quit until the last minute of the last game.

“I would like to publicly thank Dutch Lonborg and all those people who have tried so hard to be helpful. They have provided our happiness in Kansas for which we shall always be grateful. I believe we are leaving the University of Kansas with a young squad capable of competing equally with our conference opponents.

“I want to thank my staff who have devoted themselves to their positions and conducted themselves with dignity under trying circumstances.”

Respectfully submitted, Charles V. Mather

Mather currently is completing his fourth year at Kansas. During that time the KU record, including this season, is 7-26-2. It is believed that the assistants that will leave with him are Paul Schofer, Dave Putts, Dick Piskoty and Lauri Wartianen.

It appeared late today that assistant coaches Wayne Replogle, Charlie Hoag, Rex Grossart and Tom Triplett will be retained in some capacity.

The news of Mather’s sudden decision did not appear to take KU chancellor Franklin Murphy by surprise. He said, that the turn of events was not entirely unexpected.

This statement was issued by Dr. Murphy at 5:25 this afternoon:

“I’m sorry that coach Chuck Mather is leaving Kansas University. I will always feel personally indebted to him for his integrity, dependability and loyalty to this institution.”

Murphy said he had not personally seen the letter of resignation from Mather, but that he “presumed this would not include Rex Grossart, Wayne Replogle, Tom Triplett and Charles Hoag.”

Asked what would be the immediate action of the University, Murphy said, “There is a channel in regard to this. There are three groups involved: The director of athletics, A. C. (Dutch) Lonborg, the Athletic Board and the Board of Regents.

“I would presume that the immediate action would be for the chairman of the athletic board, Dean Laurence Woodruff, to call a special meeting of the Athletic Board, and I would suppose that the Athletic Board will coordinate their activities with the Board of Regents.”

Murphy said he first was aware of the impending resignation at approximately 11 a.m. today when there was a meeting between Murphy, Lonborg and Coach Mather.

Kansas has Nebraska, Kansas State, Oklahoma State and Missouri left on its 1957 schedule.


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12826BULLETIN: Chuck Mather Quits As Oread Grid Boss