Bo already knew football, baseball, hockey, and Diddley.Now, he also knows witch hunts.Last week, a podunk newspaper in southern California published an article that implied steroid use by [former Royals and Raiders great Bo Jackson.][1] A piece written by the sports editor of the Inland Valley Dailey Bulletin quoted a dietary expert saying she knew Jackson was on ‘roids, and even attributed his career-ending injury to steroid abuse.![][2]It was a great story, other than the fact it was more false than Jackson’s replacement hip. It was so far off target, in fact, that Jackson did what all of us would in the same situation. He sued.Now, Bo will know libel litigation.It’s notable that Jackson is the first former athlete to sue over steroid allegations. Sammy Sosa, Rafael Palimero, Barry Bonds, and [hundreds of others][3] have vehemently denied steroid usage. But only Jackson is willing to take it into a court of law. Perhaps he’s the only one who can prove that he was never juiced.Unfortunately, Jackson is directing his passion at the wrong place. While suing a local fishwrap is noble, he should really direct his venom to where it’s deserved the most Bonds.Bonds is the source of the great steroid witch hunt, and he’s determined to bring down every other athlete with him. His continued denials against [overwhelming evidence][4] just encourage the hunt to continue.The feds, and to a lesser extent the media, smell blood. And they won’t let up until Bonds goes down.Jackson was the greatest athlete that I’ve ever seen play. After the injury, he walked away from professional athletics quietly and gracefully. He surely would be enjoying his retirement a little more if his name was never dragged through the mud.And for that, he has Bonds to thank.**The Golden Buffalo**There’s a new athletics director in charge [at Colorado,][5] our troubled neighbor to the west.Former KU athlete Mike Bohn, who was passed over in Lawrence five years ago for Al Bohl, is the latest captain aboard the Titanic.If Bohn were a smart man, his first order of business would be the removal of Gary “The Executioner” Barnett as head football coach. Ever since his arrival in Boulder, Barnett has killed the careers of CU administrators and big-time football aspirations.Now, Bohn should turn the table, and fire Barnett while he has the chance.If not, Bohn could end up the same as Bohl, crushed like a dove by a head coach addicted to power and immune to criticism. [1]: [2]: [3]: [4]: encourage the hunt to continue. [5]: