Let's cut to the chase.KU under the careful watch of Roy Williams paid its basketball players.No matter which way you spin it or analyze it, that's what happened.By the way, KU also committed academic violations for some borderline junior college football players, and provided illegal ...
Good news, kiddies.More crap is on its way to your television.Just when you thought that ESPN couldn't put any more garbage on its network, the self-proclaimed "worldwide leader in sports" takes it to another level.That's right, ESPN is [cutting back on sports.][1]Currently, the all-sports ...
On the biggest day of Bill Self's career, fittingly, it rained."It's been a pretty crappy couple of months," the beleaguered Jayhawk coach said on Thursday.It was a strange setting (a press conference) at a strange time (late June), but Thursday was the defining moment of Self's coaching ...
Drew Gooden is a stranger in a familiar town. Three years ago, Gooden was the unofficial mayor of Lawrence. But now, his coach is gone. Only one player (Jeff Hawkins) was on the roster during Gooden's final season. Even his old Thursday night haunting grounds, [Abe and Jake's,][1] has gone ...
It's summer, which means that it's time for the [bitter sports journalists][1] of the world to start complaining about tired old problems. After all, there's nothing else to talk about, and there are column inches to fill.At the top of their list? The Major League Baseball All-Star Game.In the ...
Two weeks ago, I used this space to demand answers about what happened to J.R. Giddens outside of the Moon Bar.Now, I take it back.I don't want any answers. I don't need to hear from any more anonymous sources, and I have no desire for further comparisons between common trailer trash and ...
Poor Buddy Bell.At his introductory press conference on Tuesday, the Royals' new skipper looked like someone sentenced to 25 years at Shawshank. In reality, Bell's stay in Kansas City will probably last about two. ![][1]Bell comes to Kansas City preaching patience, which is exactly what he'll ...
I was always taught not to hate anything.In general, it was a rule that I kept, except for a few exceptions (most notably, the Detroit Red Wings).But now, I have one more addition to my "hate" list: instant replay.With every bone in my body, I hate instant replay. ![][1]This week, the Big 12 ...