Parking and partying part of KU game day ritual

By Dave Toplikar     Aug 31, 2001

Heading out to a Kansas University football home game? You might have already taken the first steps: getting the tickets, the brats and the beer.

Next on the game day agenda is figuring out where to park – and where to hold your pre-game party.

If you’re driving in to Lawrence for the day, you’ll find thousands of places to park around KU’s Memorial Stadium and in surrounding neighborhoods.

Also, thanks to a new Kansas University tailgating policy initiated in 2001, KU football fans are officially allowed to imbibe in alcoholic beverages before the game as part of a fund-raising effort.

But navigating game day traffic and finding a place to leave your car, can be a little daunting. Also, there are rules to follow concerning tailgating on KU property near the stadium.

The following is a guide to help you park, get your party started and stay within the law.


If you’re coming in to Lawrence from just about any direction, you’ll see signs on game day directing you to the stadium and to public parking.

And game day parking following the law of supply and demand: the closer you get to the stadium, the more you’ll have to pay.

It also follows the early bird rule – the sooner you get there, the better spot you’ll find.

The prime parking spots, which are the lots directly east, southeast, west and southwest of the stadium, have been purchased by the Williams Educational Fund (the scholarship fund for KU student athletes).

(See KU Athletics’ Parking Map).

Williams Fund donors who have season tickets may purchase a season parking permit for designated lots, based on the parking availability and their level of donation.

“There are over 2,000 spaces,” said Jennifer Berquist, assistant director of the Williams Fund. And the spaces in some lots are almost like family heirlooms – a few donors have had the same parking lot space for 50 years, Berquist said.

“There has been a lot of demand for it this year. Just in the last week, we’ve had a lot of requests,” she said.

Some spaces are still available in lots 50 (behind Joseph R. Pearson Hall on the west side of the stadium) and 91 (the large lot north of Spencer Museum of Art and southeast of the stadium).

Berquist said the lots are sold for the entire season, except for Lot 124, the grass parking lot just northeast of the stadium at 11th and Mississippi streets.

Williams Fund donors with season tickets can buy a space in that grass lot for cash at each game, she said.

Handicapped parking

There are two lots adjacent to the stadium designated for handicapped parking: Lot 94 east of the stadium and Lot 59 west of the stadium.

The lots are available on a first-come, first-served basis.

“At least two hours before game time, the handicapped ones fill up,” said Donna Hultine, KU’s interim director of parking.

On-campus parking

There are two areas close to the stadium for visitors to park that are controlled by the KU parking department, Hultine said.

¢ Fans can park along Memorial Drive (which runs next to the Campanile) on game day for $5.

¢ For $10, they can use the new multi-level parking facility just east of the stadium and adjacent to the Kansas Union.

“If they get here an hour before game time, they will find something in the parking garage,” Hultine said. “I know Memorial Drive fills up faster than the garage because it’s cheaper.”

The $7.5 million garage at 1261 Oread Ave., can be entered either from Mississippi Street on the west or Oread Avenue on the east.

The garage has 818 spaces. Faculty, staff and student permits are not valid on home game days.

“The first football season (fall 2000) we had minimal traffic in the garage,” Hultine said. “But last season we had games where the garage parking was sold out.”

She said parking officials will be stationed around the stadium and the parking areas to help direct fans.

“If they have questions, we’ll have people with maps who can show them where to go,” Hultine said.

Shuttling to the game

There are also some free areas to park on the south side of campus, if you don’t mind walking or mind taking a shuttle bus.

Free parking (with optional shuttle bus service) is available at these areas:

¢ The parking garage just north of Allen Fieldhouse.

¢ Lot 72 next to the Burge Union (and adjacent to Allen Fieldhouse).

¢ Lot 90 south of Robinson Center (across Naismith Drive from Allen Fieldhouse).

The shuttle bus service, which costs $1 per person each way, begins two hours before kickoff.

The shuttle leaves from Burge Union (Irving Hill Road just north of the Burge Union) or the parking lot south of Robinson Center

For the return trip, you can board the bus east of Memorial Stadium in lot 53 along Mississippi Street.

Service will be available from the end of the third quarter until 30 minutes after the game.

Neighborhood parking

Many fans park their cars along the street in the Oread or Old West Lawrence neighborhoods east and north of the stadium and walk.

Some of the homeowners and renters in the houses just north of the stadium along 11th Street allow fans to park and/or tailgate in their yards for a price during the games.

However, none of these entrepreneurs are associated with the university’s parking department nor with the Williams Fund, Hultine said.

The cost of the parking generally varies, depending on how close the homes are to the stadium.

Party on, Hawks Lynn Bretz, director of university relations, said tailgating is allowed in certain designated areas in the stadium.

A tailgating area map shows the area mainly covers the parking lots for the Williams Fund donors and the grassy areas in between. The tailgating area also extends from the stadium south, partially up Campanile Hill (See KU Athletics’ map).

Last year was the first year KU has ever officially allowed alcoholic beverages as part of tailgating activities on the university property, Bretz said.

The Kansas Board of Regents has allowed alcoholic beverages to be consumed on campus only at university fund-raising events.

So, to meet that criteria and to allow pre-game drinking, “Proud to be a Jayhawk “fund-raising activities have been scheduled as part of pre-game tailgating.

“We want everybody to have a good time and we wanted everyone to follow the law,” Bretz said. University officials met with the Kansas Alcoholic Beverage Control Division to go over the tailgating guidelines.

The following are the guidelines in the tailgating area: ¢ Alcohol may be consumed only in the designated area for the tailgating fund-raising event.

¢ Alcohol may be consumed only during a three-hour period before kickoff in the designated area. Underage drinking, disorderly conduct or other unlawful conduct will not be tolerated.

¢ No kegs of beer or other containers with a capacity greater than one gallon may be brought into the area. Fans are strongly encouraged not to use or bring glass containers into the tailgating area.

¢ Alcohol may not be brought into Memorial Stadium.

¢ Fans are asked not to leave and re-enter the stadium after the game has started. Exceptions will be granted for personal emergencies and for access to concession areas.

Fund-raising activities

Bretz said to raise funds, $1 from the sale of every KU football program will go to assist four activities.

They are:

¢ KU Korean War Memorial. Bretz said this was a revival of an effort that was started in the 1980s to create a memorial honoring the Jayhawk students and alumni who served in the Korean War, 1950-1953. More than 60 students and alumni were killed in that conflict. Plans call for putting a permanent memorial along Memorial Drive.

¢ The KU Marching Band. The band would use the funds to help cover travel costs.

¢ Phi Gamma Delta Run for Leukemia. Fiji chapter members at KU and Kansas State University have worked together to fight leukemia. Fiji chapter members from both schools will take turns running the game-day football from Manhattan to Lawrence the day of the KU v. KSU game. The Fijis will donate the money they raise to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.

¢ KU sports clubs. Bretz said the funds raised will help to fund KU’s 23 sports clubs. About 750 students participate in the clubs.


6Sports report: KU hoping for better opener


1623Parking and partying part of KU game day ritual