Michigan, Notre Dame down to size

By Drew Sharp - Detroit Free Press     Sep 13, 2007

There’s more laughing than loathing as we approach Surreal Saturday. A winless Michigan facing a winless Notre Dame for the first time provides irrefutable evidence that God has a sense of humor.

Both programs find comfort in their delusions. Both believe that this week’s criticisms and catcalls are a by-product of envy rather than honest assessments that maybe, just maybe, neither is as good as its reputation.

This week proves there is justice.

Notre Dame canned Tyrone Willingham after three seasons and a 21-15 record because, according to the university hierarchy, he was successful every day of the week except Saturday. He made sure his players went to class and stayed off the police blotter.

Willingham started off strong, winning 10 of his first 11 games, benefiting from the experienced players that his predecessor left behind. But he never enjoyed one defining, signature win during his three years.

Now Charlie Weis finds himself in the same boat.

The coach won 19 games in his first two years at Notre Dame, a school record, with Willingham’s players. Like Lloyd Carr, Weis now is mired in a four-game losing streak – each by more than 20 points, in Weis’ case – that doesn’t sit well with antsy alumni.

Considering Notre Dame established a precedent with Willingham, isn’t Weis squirming on the hot seat, despite his gargantuan contract?

Notre Dame’s response is no response.

What can it say without sounding even more disingenuous?

People love watching the arrogant choke on their own hypocrisy. If there ever was an opportunity to boo both teams, this is it. There will be those watching the game on TV in hopes of witnessing a 0-0 tie after four quarters.

Further contributing to the comic relief is Michigan tailback Mike Hart guaranteeing a victory over the Irish. How far out on a limb are you really putting yourself by promising a win against an 0-2 team that has rushed for minus-8 yards in two games? The only thing missing from the routine was the squirting flower on the lapel.

“If I would have watched our games the last two weeks,” Weis said, “I might have made the guarantee myself. I can’t be worrying about Hart. I’ve got to be worried about the guys that are going to be in this room.”

Michigan and Notre Dame have only themselves to blame after portraying themselves as sacred caretakers of college football’s ideals when they really are two of the grossest exploiters of the double standard that drives the sport. It’s all about big wins and even bigger money. Michigan and Notre Dame aren’t getting the big wins. If that influences the hiring and firing of coaches – despite being “above” such things – so be it.

This is delicious payback for a lot of people, watching the two winningest college football programs wallow in competitive despair. The Wolverines are awful, but Notre Dame downright stinks.

The Irish should have their Bowl Championship Series eligibility requirements revoked.

How ridiculous is it that Weis was brought to South Bend as an offensive savant, yet his team ranks last nationally in total offense?

But Weis isn’t going anywhere, regardless of how bad Notre Dame looks. The university’s officials will argue that Weis deserves more time.

And they will have to answer to how they misplaced that clock when it came to evaluating Willingham’s third year.


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