Ex-softball player dismisses lawsuit

By J-W Staff Reports     Nov 15, 2005

A former Kansas University softball player has voluntarily dismissed her lawsuit against the school.

In a motion filed last week, former outfielder Jackie Vasquez asked a judge to dismiss the case, citing a “family decision” and concerns for her well-being. Vasquez had filed two police reports in the weeks after filing the suit, claiming someone had keyed her car and sent her a threatening letter.

Vasquez filed suit in September after being kicked off the team. KU officials said she was kicked off for violating computer rules by reading an assistant coach’s e-mail, but Vasquez claimed it was in retaliation for her complaints about coach Tracy Bunge’s locker-room conduct.

Vasquez and other players had gone to athletic director Lew Perkins in the spring to complain about an incident after a loss in which Bunge ordered players to shower in their uniforms to “wash away the bad play.”


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