After long wait, KU football shows off 5 new helmets

By Matt Tait     Jul 1, 2013

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The Kansas University football program on Monday unveiled five new looks for the team's helmets, four of which now feature the Jayhawk on the sides. (Photo courtesy of KU Athletics)

It’s hard to say whether it was a calculated move or an innocent delay, but when news hit that the Kansas University football program would unveil some type of “new gear” around noon today, speculation from Jayhawk fans scored off the charts.

Unfortunately, so did the waiting.

Instead of releasing the new look, which is highlighted by the presence of a variety of Jayhawks on different colored helmets, around noon, it did not actually come out until just before 4 p.m.

And it did in the form of a vine Twitter video via KU coach Charlie Weis’ Twitter account.

Here’s a quick look at that video, which clearly shows that the Jayhawks now have five potential uniform styles. All of the uniforms used in the video were from last season’s closet, but a KU official said the school planned to update the uniforms before the 2013 season begins.

Here’s a look at the styles on display Monday:

• The black ones they wore last year vs. Iowa State

• The powder blue ones they wore a couple of years ago against Texas Tech

• Standard white, with white helmets

• KU blue with blue helmets

• KU blue with red helmets


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42819After long wait, KU football shows off 5 new helmets

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Written By Matt Tait

A native of Colorado, Matt moved to Lawrence in 1988 and has been in town ever since. He graduated from Lawrence High in 1996 and the University of Kansas in 2000 with a degree in Journalism. After covering KU sports for the University Daily Kansan and, Matt joined the World Company (and later Ogden Publications) in 2001 and has held several positions with the paper and in the past 20+ years. He became the Journal-World Sports Editor in 2018. Throughout his career, Matt has won several local and national awards from both the Associated Press Sports Editors and the Kansas Press Association. In 2021, he was named the Kansas Sportswriter of the Year by the National Sports Media Association. Matt lives in Lawrence with his wife, Allison, and two daughters, Kate and Molly. When he's not covering KU sports, he likes to spend his time playing basketball and golf, listening to and writing music and traveling the world with friends and family.