Some great video you may have missed this weekend

By Staff     Aug 10, 2009

If you’ve never seen a half-dozen police officers with guns drawn in downtown Lawrence, an incident this weekend gives you just that chance.

Nathan Borror, an interaction designer at Mediaphormedia, our company’s software division, was above 10th and New Hampshire Friday night and shot this video of police, with guns drawn, directing three people to get out of the car after they were accused of pointing a gun at street signs and at least one person.

I’m pointing this out because weekend traffic to is not as good as it is on a Monday morning, and many of you probably missed out on the video.

If you’re in an office, the video has some sound, but it’s not critical. The best information is in the pictures. Here’s a taste of what you’ll see if you watch this video:


Making a difference


33312Some great video you may have missed this weekend