Wow.We thought Saturday’s game betwen Kansas and Kansas State would be a crucial hint as to who might take the driver’s seat of the Big 12 North.But Kansas State already has the wheel.With a [big victory][1] over No. 7 Texas on Saturday, Kansas State transformed itself from one in the running to THE team to beat in the Big 12 North.This isn’t based on talent, either, though KSU has its share. It’s based on the remaining schedule.Before Saturday, I would have felt comfortable picking any of four teams to win the North (Kansas, Kansas State, Missouri and Nebraska). With Colorado’s thrilling victory over Oklahoma on Saturday, you’ve got to add the Buffs to that list, too.Still, after the first weekend of Big 12 play, only one of those teams went on the road and took care of business. In college football, that’s a big, [BIG][2] deal.So K-State is 1-0, with only three conference road games left. On top of that, K-State’s most intimidating opponent, No. 7 Texas, was kicked around like a [hacky sack][3] in its own house.Here’s the bottom line: The Big 12 North likely will be won either with a tiebreaker or by one game. The top five teams in the division are just too close.So when one team gets an early edge — like Kansas State did with a huge road victory — you’ve got to take notice. And early on, you’ve got to respect their chances just a little more.That said, a win by the Jayhawks on Saturday in Manhattan would completely turn the tables in this argument. Because then, Kansas would be 1-0 with just three true road games left.Should be fun. It certainly got a lot more interesting. [1]: [2]: [3]: