A mad, mad world

By Staff     Nov 19, 2007

The madness is here. And you wouldn’t believe it.I visited a lot of people around Allen Fieldhouse on Monday, and life is going 100 miles per hour around all the offices. Media requests are pouring in, people offering well-wishes…on and on and on. I’ve never seen anything like it, not even for basketball.Here’s a couple of tidbits you might be interested in:**- ESPN College Gameday** is still trying to figure out exactly where they are going to set up shop for their tremendously popular Saturday morning show, which will be at Arrowhead Stadium this weekend. But here’s some details for fans wanting to show up:- Arrowhead will open up a section of its massive parking lot at 7 a.m. for fans to show up and hang out around the set. Gameday will do a SportsCenter bit in the 8 a.m. hour and then do its full show from 9-11 a.m.- The parking lot will then be cleared at 11:30 a.m. It will then open back up at 3 p.m. for all the tailgating that is expected to occur.- ESPN hasn’t figured out exactly what parking lot it will set up in. But we’ll pass it on as soon as we know.**Some of you at Arrowhead** in 2005 will remember how it was basically set up as a KU home game as far as presentation, the video board, etc.Not this year. The feel will be much more neutral in both 2007 and 2008.**- Kansas State coach Ron Prince** gave his thought on how he sees the Border War shaping out. Word for word: “When we watched (Kansas) get ready for the game, I thought they were clearly the best team we had seen to that point, including Auburn and Texas. But now after playing Missouri, there was several weeks there where we haven’t played KU. I just find Missouri very, very challenging. I think they’re a very difficult team to deal with. They have so many weapons and they’re so good on defense. “I think it’s going to be really a good game. Obviously both programs are doing well. I can’t imagine that I’m completely in the right position because of the kind of space between the two games, but I think that coach Pinkel has done a great job, and both teams have, of putting their teams together. But since (Missouri) was the team we just faced and the kind of points that we gave up to them : at different parts of the game we played about as well as we could play and we just couldn’t stop them.”He didn’t want to say it, but I think he’s giving a slight edge to the Tigers.**KU quarterback Todd Reesing** was named co-offensive player of the week in the Big 12, along with Texas Tech QB Graham Harrell. Oklahoma State defensive end Nathan Peterson won on defense, and Missouri star Jeremy Maclin on special teams.I voted for Reesing (in awe of his first-half perfection) as well as Peterson and Maclin.More on the Border War all week long, right here at kusports.com and in the Journal-World all week. Enjoy it.


6Sports video: KU defeats ISU 45-7


26527A mad, mad world