Forget about adidas.Perhaps Hostess would be a more appropriate sponsor for the KU football team.If you love cupcakes, division 1-AA disasters, and 63-10 snooze fests, buy your season tickets today.The cakewalks are a comin’. ![][1]Last week, the NCAA passed the most [damaging piece of legislation][2] since the three point line. By showing complete disregard for everything holy about college football, the NCAA sucked all of the excitement out of the non-conference seasonAs [Dick Vitale][3] would say, we’re about to take up a permanent residence in cupcake city.Previously, college football teams could play Division 1-AA teams but could only count those wins towards bowl eligibility once every four years. For example, since Kansas used a win over Jacksonville State to advance to the 2003 Tangerine Bowl, it could not count on another 1-AA win until the year 2007.Now, that rule is out the window. Led away in shame, like Shoeless Joe Jackson.The NCAA will now allow all wins against lower levels to count towards your bowl win total. The rule change will help more BCS conference teams like Kansas attain bowl eligibility. Because we can’t live with MAC teams like Northern Illinois taking up valuable spots in low-level, pre-Christmas bowls.For Jayhawk football fans, this is the worst news since the recruitment of Mario Kinsey.Starting this fall, Mark Mangino will start dragging the cupcakes to town. The Jayhawks already have a game scheduled on Sept. 10 against 1-AA Appalachian State. The Mountaineers finished 6-5 last season, and lost their best player to graduation.I can hear the turnstiles already.I realize what Mangino is trying to do and to some extent I respect it. After all, another bowl appearance would do wonders for his rebuilding effort.That aside, I’ll miss seeing the UCLAs of the world come to Lawrence. There will be no more memorable trips to Notre Dame or UNLV. Instead, I’ll mark my calendar with home games for the first three Saturdays of every season. Every season, the combined score of those games will be about 120-32.This December, the Jayhawks will play in a bowl for the second time in three seasons. They’ll take their three non-conference wins, scrape up three more in the Big 12 season, and head to the Houston Bowl with a record of 6-5. Meanwhile, somebody like Bowling Green will sit at home with a record of 8-3.Will it be a sham? Sure. But that’s just the way the NCAA likes it.**NHL On Ice**For the first time in about a year, I honestly miss the National Hockey League.Even though I’m writing about another sport that [ people around here don’t care about,][4] I have nothing but fond memories of the NHL playoffs. The hits. The trash talking. The power plays. The clutch goals and saves.Those who hate hockey have never seen a seventh game go to overtime in May.It’s too bad that nobody in America cares about hockey, and the geniuses that run the NHL have alienated 98 percent of the fan base.I would love nothing more right now than playoff hockey. Who cares about the NBA anyways?**Mother’s Day**In an attempt to be a cheap knock-off of Cup ‘O Joel, I’d like to give a Keith Langford “shout out” to Mom — a single mother who raised three boys, and did it without the help of a television.Trust me, raising a young Rigg-o-sportis was not an easy task.Happy Mother’s Day. [1]: [2]: [3]: [4]: