Corcoran promoted to executive associate athletics director

By J-W Staff Report     Jan 31, 2019

As Jeff Long, first-year athletic director at the University of Kansas, continues his reorganization of the department, he announced this week a promotion for Nicole Corcoran.

KU’s senior associate athletics director/senior woman administrator since July of 2017, Corcoran was promoted to become executive associate athletics director for Kansas Athletics.

In a news release from KU, Long said that Corcoran earned the advancement “through her dedication and commitment to our student-athletes, demonstrated effectiveness in her areas of supervision and the ability to bring people together to reach positive outcomes.”

At KU, Corcoran administers women’s basketball, men’s and women’s golf programs, and is co-sport administrator of the track and field and cross-country programs. She also oversees sports medicine and student-athlete development.

Additionally, Corcoran represents the university as the senior woman administrator with the NCAA and Big 12, and is responsible for monitoring NCAA governance issues and contributing to the university’s position on new NCAA legislation. Corcoran is the Title IX contact for the athletics department and works closely with the university Title IX coordinator.

Corcoran first joined Kansas Athletics as chief of staff to the athletics director in 2009. In 2011, she was named director of operations. In 2014, Corcoran was promoted to associate athletics director of operations.

Prior to working at KU, Corcoran served as press secretary and communications director for then-Kansas Governor Kathleen Sebelius from 2002-09.


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