Heard on the Hill: Fans grumble about ‘Woo’ in Rock Chalk Chant; law dean search loses one candidate; KU alumnus becomes president of National Press Club

By Andy Hyland     Dec 14, 2010

Your daily dose of news, notes and links from around Kansas University.

• So, do you say “WOOOOOOO” after each iteration of the Rock Chalk Chant?

If you do, a whole gaggle of angry KU fans is trying to tell you to stop. As with any good cause these days, a Facebook page has been created to raise awareness of the issue.

I haven’t personally been to a KU basketball game this year, and haven’t really noticed this in other places.

But a trip over to the Internet message board phog.net shows a typical overreaction to the issue.

One Internet poster suggests — and I think he/she/it is serious, though it’s really hard to tell in these kinds of situations — that cheerleaders create helpful signs that say “PLEASE DON’T WHOOOOOOO” at the end of games when the chant starts up.

Another suggests that the board immediately write the University Daily Kansan, the Topeka Capital-Journal, the Lawrence Journal-World and the Kansas City Star.

(No one wrote to me! I’m hurt. It took a colleague at the Journal-World to alert me to this travesty).

“Saying ‘whooo’ ruins the whole thing,” wrote a poster on the site who goes by “birthdayboy.” “We’ve got to do something.”

The excess wooooo-ing appears to be mostly coming from the students, according to the Internet posters.

So I haven’t been to a game, and I haven’t heard this firsthand, but speaking as a KU alumnus who’s been to a fair number of basketball games over the last 10 years and as a true lover of the chant, I think I can say confidently:

Seriously, people. There’s no woo.

• The search for a new KU law dean lost one of its finalists last week, after Michael Moffitt agreed to become dean of the University of Oregon School of Law.

Moffitt had been serving as Oregon’s associate law dean for academic affairs.

The scuttlebutt I’m hearing says that he was KU’s top candidate, and that the school may reopen the search after it became clear Moffitt was no longer a possibility.

No word on that yet through official channels — search committee chairman and distinguished law professor Chris Drahozal referred all questions to the provost’s office — but if they do decide to reopen the search, it just shows how smart Heard on the Hill tipsters are and you can say you heard it here first.

KU has been looking for a new law dean for nearly a year now since Gail Agrawal announced she would leave for the University of Iowa.

And if KU doesn’t reopen the search, and KU Provost Jeff Vitter instead hires one of the remaining three finalists… you didn’t hear any of this from me.

• A KU alumnus has been elected as the 104th president of the National Press Club.

Mark Hamrick has worked for The Associated Press for nearly 25 years, according to the AP, and currently works as a national business reporter in video, radio and text media.

The theme of his inaugural Jan. 29 celebration is apparently “We’re Not In Kansas Anymore,” and will feature Kansas food.

If I had to pick foods from Kansas, I don’t know what they’d necessarily be. Thoughts on what a Kansas feast might entail?

• Got a tip for Heard on the Hill? E-mail me at ahyland@ljworld.com.



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36814Heard on the Hill: Fans grumble about ‘Woo’ in Rock Chalk Chant; law dean search loses one candidate; KU alumnus becomes president of National Press Club