Kansas Athletics and Career Athletes have recently agreed to a partnership providing KU’s athletes a truly unique resource for career development.
Over the past 10 years, Career Athletes has conducted more than 800 training and development seminars at universities throughout the country providing career education for more than 250,000 student-athletes.
In addition to their proprietary training and development seminars, Career Athletes builds and maintains career networking Web sites for individual university athletic departments providing additional career education, mentors, access to career opportunities and potential employers upon graduation, and a platform to connect with athletic alumni who are encouraged to join the network as mentors and/or job seekers.
“This partnership is an important component of our commitment to provide the best services possible for our student-athletes,” KU athletic director Lew Perkins said. “That commitment includes preparing young men and women for the next phase of their lives. We believe our partnership with Career Athletes will enable us to assist greatly in student-athletes’ transition from the classroom to the board room.”
For information go to the Web site careerathletes.com.