A former NFL commissioner will visit the Robert J. Dole Institute of Politics next week.
Paul Tagliabue will begin a new series at the Dole Institute – “Leadership and Globalization in Sports” – next Thursday. Tagliabue, who served as the professional football league commissioner from 1989 to 2006, will discuss his tenure and how globalization is affecting the sports world.
Sports and politics seem to be realms that are increasingly colliding, said Bill Lacy, director of the Dole Institute. The new sporadic series will address topics like globalization, doping and sports leadership, he said.
Lacy said the institute hoped to attract a new audience to its programming with the event.
“There’s really nothing else like this out there,” Lacy said.
The event is free and open to the public and begins at 7:30 p.m. at the Dole Institute.
Two authors are also scheduled to speak at the institute later this year.
Al Regnery will discuss his book “Upstream: The Ascendance of Conservatism and its Future” on Nov. 19. Linda Robinson, an expert on national security issues, will discuss “Tell Me How This Ends” on Dec. 2. Her book explores the world of Gen. David Petraeus as he searches for a successful resolution to the Iraq War.
Both events are scheduled to begin at 7:30 p.m. at the Dole Institute and are free and open to the public.