Here’s a list of former Kansas University basketball players and team managers returning for this weekend’s 110-year basketball reunion.
Josh Adams, 2005-06
Bob Anderson, 1953-54
John Anderson, 1951-55
Paul Arenson, 1993-96
Howard Arndt, 1965-69
Molly Bachand, 2004-07
Richard Baker, 1960-64
Tim Banks, 1981-84
Cris Barnthouse, 1973-77
Scooter Barry, 1985-89
Jim Baska, 1944-45
Arnie Baum, 1975-76
Mike Berkley, 1957-59
Kim Blocher, 1970-71
Glenn Boor, 1990-92
Fred Bosilevac, Jr., 1967-72
Joel Branstrom, 1995-97
David Brill, 1961-65
Roger Brown, 1967-71
Bud Bull, 1947-51
Rick Calloway, 1989-91
Randy Canfield, 1971-73
Jeff Carey, 1999-2002
Fred Chana, 1963-66
Wendell Clark, 1945-47
John Cleland, 1955-58
Grant Clothier, 1946-47
Al Correll, 1959-63
John Crider, 1998-2000
Bob Crisler, 1953-55
Bob Crown, 1964-68
Steven Davis, 2001-05
Carl Deane, 1959-63
Dave Dennis, 1948-49
Jim Dillon, 1991-95
Jeff Dishman, 1981-83
Jim Dumas, 1959-63
Jaye Ediger, 1965-67
Butch Ellison, 1959-61
Nolen Ellison, 1960-63
Doug Elstun, 1989-91
Harold England, 1946-50
Jack Eskridge 1946-48
Jill Ewert 1999-2002
Mark Ewing, 1981-83
Bob Fitzpatrick, 1941-43
John Flannagan, 1955-56
Don Franklin, 1951-53
Ron Franz, 1963-67
Bob Frederick, 1958-61
Jerry Gardner, 1958-62
Harry Gibson, 1962-64
Dick Gisel, 1959-60
Bill Goetze, 1960
James Gough, 1961-65
Jeff Graves, 2002-04
Lane Green, 1980-84
Lee Green, 1955-57
Dale Greenlee, 1972-75
Jim Gregath, 1945-46
Jeff Gueldner, 1986-90
Paul Guess, 1951-52
Greg Gurley, 1991-95
Derril Gwinner, 1960-62
Dwight Haley, 1971-74
Vance Hall, 1940-42
Lewis Harrison, 2000-02
Jeff Hawkins, 2001-06
Clay Hedrick, 1943-44
Bill Heitholt, 1951-55
Carl Henry, 1982-84
Everett Hill, 1944-45
Charlie Hoag, 1950-53
Bill Hogben, 1939-41
Blaine Hollinger, 1953-57
Bill Hougland, 1949-52
Allan Hurst, 1953-57
Jill Hurt, 1995-97
Alonzo Jamison, 1989-92
Harry Jett, 1953-57
David Johanning, 1990-92
Clint Johnson, 1974-78
Monte Johnson, 1955-59
Todd Kappelmann, 2000-02
Al Kelley, 1950-54
Ron Kellogg, 1982-86
Bob Kenney, 1948-52
Dee Ketchum, 1958-61
Lynn Kindred, 1955-59
Tom King, 1974-75
Bob Kivisto, 1968-72
Tom Kivisto, 1970-74
Mark Knight, 1979-81
Mike Koehler, 1992-96
Ken Koenigs, 1974-78
Matthew Kovich, 1997-2001
Dale Ladner, 1974-75
Ron Lang, 1964-66
Delvy Lewis, 1962-66
Bill Lienhard, 1948-52
Ralph Light, 1964-66
Lee Linhardt, 1961-65
Aubrey Linville, 1949-50
Riney Lochmann, 1962-66
Al Lopes, 1964-66
Wayne Louderback, 1949-52
Clyde Lovellette, 1948-52
Harold Lowe, 1948-51
Guy Mabry, 1946-50
Mike Maddox, 1987-91
Russ Marcinek, 1957-59
Olivia Maresh, 1996-98
Archie Marshall, 1985-88
Brian Martin, 1981-84
Don Martin, 1952-54
Donnell Martin, 1984-87
Marvin Mattox, 1987-88
Bob McMichael, 1954-55
Kevin Meyer, 1981-85
Mandy Meyer, 1999-2001
Chris Miller, 1976-80
Matt Miller, 1976-80
Lincoln Minor, 1987-89
Paul Mokeski, 1975-79
Christian Moody, 2002-06
Roger Morningstar, 1973-75
Gary Mowry, 1955-58
Dave Nash, 1967-69
Booty Neal, 1977-81
Terry Nooner, 1996-2000
Clint Normore, 1986-88
Scott Novosel, 1994-95
Shannon O’Connor, 2001-05
Gary Padgett, 1951-55
Tom Paget, 1977
Harold Patterson, 1952-54
Eric Pauley, 1991-93
Sean Pearson, 1991-96
Owen Peck, 1944-47
Mark Perlmutter, 1984-89
Chris Piper, 1983-88
Bill Pope, 1984-88
David Preston, 1976-77
Thetchen Price, 1993-94
T.J. Pugh, 1995-99
Chuck Purdy, 1971-75
Mark Randall, 1986-91
Steve Ransom, 1995-97
Steve Renko, 1962-64
Ladd Richesson, 1997-98
Patrick Richey, 1990-94
Bradley Ridgway, 1975-76
Mark Rivard, 1949-51
Ryan Robertson, 1995-99
Shane Robinson, 1996-97
Dave Robisch, 1967-71
Wally Rouse, 1944-45
Dick Ruggles, 1961-65
Glenn Russell, 1970-73
Brad Sanders, 1975-79
David Schichtle, 1961-65
Otto Schnellbacher, 1942-43; 46-48
Bill Shea, 1975-76
Reuben Shelton, 1973-77
Homer Sherwood, 1943-44
Wayne Simien, 2001-05
Bruce Sloan, 1966-69
Dean Smith, 1951-54
Jerry Smith, 1949-52
Kyle Smith, 1989-93
Tommie Smith, 1971-75
Amy Soetaert, 1998-99
Loye Sparks, 1961-63
John Stacy, 1967-68
Mac Stallcup, 1976-80
Bud Stallworth, 1969-72
Dave Stinson, 1960-62
Wally Strauch, 1954-55
Michael Sykes, 1992-95
Stephanie Temple, 1997-2000
Billy Thomas, 1995-98
Brett Thompson, 2000-01
Calvin Thompson, 1983-86
George Thompson, 1979-81
John Thompson, 1950-52
Tegan Thornberry, 2002-05
Orbon Tice, 1946-47
Danny Tyrrell, 1985-89
Darnell Valentine, 1977-81
Buddy Vance, 1960-64
Stephen Vinson, 2002-06
Donnie Von Moore 1973-78
Milt Wade, 1956-58
Jerry Waugh, 1949-51
Blake Weichbrodt, 1991-94
Walt Wesley, 1962-66
T.J. Whatley, 1992-96
John Williams, 1959-62
Travis Williams, 1995-96
Bob Wilson, 1965-67
Matt Wolff, 2003-07
Don Woodson, 1949-51
Pete Woodward, 1958-62
Rick Worrel, 1980-81
Bob Worthington, 1975-76
George Yarnevich, 1964-67
Chris Zerbe, 2001-02
Jessica Zuniga, 1999-2003
Joel Zuniga, 1995-97
Here’s list of former coaches who will be returning:
Larry Brown, 1984-88
R.C. Buford, 1982-88
Jim Dumas, 1959-63
Butch Ellison, 1959-61
Bob Flickner, 1972-74
Bob Frederick, 1962-64
Alvin Gentry, 1986-88
Harry Gibson, 1962-65
Bob Hill, 1979-85
Dee Ketchum, 1964
Murray Knox, 1979-81
Ed Manning, 1983-88
Sam Miranda, 1963-76
Lafayette Norwood, 1977-81
Ted Owens, 1960-83
John Pfitsch, 1945-46
Duncan Reid, 1973-77
David Schichtle, 1965-66
Dean Smith, 1953-54
Mark Taylor, 1977-79
Jerry Waugh, 1957-61
Walt Wesley, 1978-80