Arthur’s prep coach ‘thankful’

By Gary Bedore     Aug 10, 2008

Dallas South Oak Cliff High basketball coach James Mays wasn’t surprised the high school grades of Darrell Arthur were deemed legitimate following a Dallas Independent School District investigation.

“I knew all along there was no wrongdoing. I’m just thankful it’s over. Our school district recognizes we did no wrong,” Mays said Saturday.

On Thursday, the DISD issued a press release indicating there was no impropriety as related to alleged grade changes involving former Kansas University forward Arthur during the 2004-05 school year.

“This is bittersweet. I’m happy he’s vindicated, but not that he had to go through this, that anybody would have to go through this,” Mays said.

Mays said Arthur is planning on taking legal action against the South Oak Cliff teacher who alleged that an Arthur math grade was changed to keep the player eligible. Mays said the suit also could include a Dallas TV station that aired the report.

“I know Darrell will do it (sue) for sure. It was a matter of getting the (NBA) Draft out of the way. Lawyers will do what they do,” Mays said. “We will pursue legal matters,” he added, indicating he also likely will file a lawsuit against those who allegedly discussed Arthur’s grades publicly and mentioned Mays as possibly having a part in the alleged grade changing.

“It’s against federal law to release somebody’s grades. What they will sue for is their grades and transcripts were made public. That is cut-and-dried regarding privacy laws being broken,” Mays added.

¢ Aldrich at camp: KU sophomore center Cole Aldrich is one of 26 college players working as a counselor at the four-day adidas Nations Experience outside of Dallas. The counselors play camp games when not observing the action at the 18-and-under international tournament.

Baylor’s Curtis Jerrells and Kevin Rogers are the other Big 12 players working the event.

High school seniors attending the Experience include KU prospects Lance Stephenson, Brooklyn, N.Y.; Dominic Cheek, Jersey City, N.J.; Daniel Orton, Oklahoma City and Ray McCallum, Bloomington, Ind. Xavier Henry of Putnam City, Okla., skipped the event because of a minor injury.


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30251Arthur’s prep coach ‘thankful’