Victory parade route extended

By Mark Fagan     Apr 11, 2008

The route for Sunday’s parade of champions for the Kansas Jayhawks has been extended beyond downtown.

The parade, as originally scheduled, will start at 3 p.m. at Seventh and Massachusetts streets, and move south on Massachusetts toward South Park.

But instead of stopping there, the parade crew of KU players, coaches, support staffers and members of the pep band and Spirit Squad will continue down Massachusetts to 19th Street.

From there they’ll turn and head west, toward 19th and Naismith Drive.

Sgt. Paul Fellers, a Lawrence police spokesman, said the parade route was extended after discussions with officials from Kansas Athletics Inc.

“Hopefully, everybody will have a good view of the parade,” Fellers said.

Free parking will be allowed in all municipal lots downtown, Fellers said. The lot south of the Judicial and Law Enforcement Center, 111 E. 11th, also will be open, now that the parade route has been extended.

But parking will be prohibited along both sides of Massachusetts between 11th to 15th streets, and then on the west side of Massachusetts from 15th to 19th streets, Fellers said. The parade will occupy the entire width of Massachusetts until reaching 15th, when it will switch to stay in southbound lanes.

The parade will not completely close 19th Street, he said, because the parade will occupy only the westbound lanes.


KU, city preparing for parade on Sunday


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