JaRon Rush won’t coach after all

By J-W Staff Reports     Jun 7, 2007

JaRon Rush won’t be on Jeff Boschee’s coaching staff at The Barstow School in Kansas City, Mo., after all, according to Head of School Art Atkison.

“I am partially responsible for this confusion,” Atkison wrote in an e-mail to the Journal World. “I had previously told Jeff that we would not hire Mr. Rush because of his past reputation. Later, Jeff asked if I would mind if JaRon volunteered to help kids with certain skills. Since JaRon’s son is a Barstow student, I said that I thought that would be all right – just on a volunteer basis. Somewhere in that exchange was the misunderstanding between Jeff and me. All I would like to see is the record set straight. Because of this misunderstanding, Jaron will probably not be volunteering. Thanks.”

Atkison did not respond to a follow-up e-mail inquiring as to what specificially he meant by Rush’s “past reputation.”

Boschee did not return a phone message.


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