KU A.D. Perkins nets $20k raise

By Ryan Wood     Jul 20, 2007

For the second straight fiscal year, Kansas University athletic director Lew Perkins received a 41â2 percent raise in his base salary, and will make $479,290 for FY 2007-08. It’s a raise of $20,639.

Salary summaries for 10 associate athletic directors at KU were made available Thursday after the Journal-World filed an open-records request.

All 10 make over six figures. It’s possible an 11th soon could, too – senior woman administrator Kelly Mehrtens, who made $171,000 last year, recently left to take the athletic director job at North Carolina-Wilmington, and a replacement hasn’t been named.

None of the nine who were on the payroll last year received eye-opening raises, though there’s now three making over $200,000 – Perkins, senior associate A.D. Larry Keating ($202,250) and John Hadl, associate A.D. for major gifts ($201,000).

The new addition is associate A.D. Chris Howard, who works in the Williams Fund. Howard was hired earlier this year and makes $125,000.

A.D. salaries

The salaries of Kansas University’s 10 associate athletic directors:

Name – SalaryLew Perkins – $479,290Larry Keating – $202,250John Hadl – $201,000Jim Marchiony – $181,306Sean Lester – $175,633Ben Kirtland – $165,763Paul Buskirk – $137,475Brandon Macneill – $127,085Chris Howard – $125,000Theresa Becker – $104,717

Note: The senior woman administrator position currently is vacant, and not listed here.


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25090KU A.D. Perkins nets $20k raise