Atlanta ? Bo Pelini’s actions may have said more than his words on Saturday night. Minutes after LSU’s Southeastern Conference championship victory over Tennessee, players and coaches surged toward the LSU fans in one end zone in the Georgia Dome.
Pelini was alone as he jogged in the opposite direction toward an end zone tunnel, perhaps leaving the LSU team behind as he reportedly is close to accepting an offer to become Nebraska’s head coach.
After the game, Pelini would not confirm reports that he will step down as LSU’s defensive coordinator to take the Nebraska job.
“No, I can’t,” said Pelini, a former Nebraska defensive coordinator. “We’ll see what happens over the next couple of days. I’m just enjoying this championship. We worked hard and stayed together.”
A Baton Rouge, La., newspaper reported that a member of the Louisiana State University system’s board of supervisors confirmed Pelini will take the job.
“I think it’s pretty clear and it’s our idea that Bo will be the next coach at Nebraska,” Charles Weems told The Advocate for a story on its Web site Saturday.