The interior designs of the Anderson Family Football Complex are done, and with the official groundbreaking upcoming, Kansas University still is finalizing exterior designs that will fit in with the rest of the campus.
Associate athletic director Sean Lester confirmed Tuesday at the Kansas Athletics, Inc., board meeting that work still was expected to begin next month on the $31 million facility. A full move-in is expected by July of 2008.
“The first step will be parking lots,” Lester said, “which we expect to be done quickly.”
That means adding spaces just west of Memorial Stadium and taking out spaces southeast of the venue. Every space taken out will be replaced.
After that, work will start on the two-story building southwest of the stadium and the two practice fields southeast of the stadium.
The size of the building, as well as the interior design of it, already has been decided. Kansas Athletics has left much of the exterior-design brainstorming to the university, Lester said, so that the building can fit in with the campus as much as possible with KU’s blessing.
“No hiccups as of yet,” Lester said of the project. “So far, everything’s fine.”
Also touched on at the board meeting Tuesday:
¢ The planning stages on the boathouse being built for the rowing team continue to progress, with two contractors recently being hired for the work. One of them is a firm in Cambridge, Mass., that specializes in boathouses.
¢ Board members planned to discuss with student groups ideas that would help keep fans off the field after football victories. Among solutions being discussed is education at Traditions Night about how to behave after games.
KU fans have rushed the field five times the last three years after wins, resulting in several minor injuries.
¢ Chief financial officer Susan Wachter reported that 76 percent of KU’s projected revenue has been received for this fiscal year as of Oct. 31, while 34 percent of the operating budget has been spent.
“It’s very much in line with where we are,” Wachter said. “We’re in good shape.”