Former Kansas University football player Eric Butler’s motion for an injunction that would have allowed him to continue practicing with the Jayhawks was denied Tuesday afternoon by a U.S. District Court judge.
A judge in U.S. District Court heard Butler’s argument for an injunction Monday. Butler did not practice on Monday after the committee notified KU of the denial.
Butler is arguing that he spent a year away from school taking care of a child, and that a pregnancy waiver rule allowing for an extra year of college should apply to males, as well. An NCAA spokesperson told the USA Today that the pregnancy waiver applies only to females and is meant for time off for the physical hardships that preganancy brings. Butler argues that the language in the NCAA bylaws says no such thing. He says an injunction is necessary to keep his good standing with the KU football team and, in turn, keep his chances of making an NFL roster as high as possible.
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