Kansas University’s athletic department has notified the NCAA it wishes to withdraw two self-reported secondary violations that were included in an appendix of the self-report the university delivered to the NCAA in June.
The two secondary violations mentioned in the appendix involved off-campus meetings with prospective student-athletes and two KU faculty members in December 1998. Such off-campus meetings would have violated NCAA rules.
“We have conducted interviews with both faculty members – Ms. Florence Boldridge, director of diversity programs in the School of Engineering, and Mr. John Michel, a retired professor of Speech, Language & Hearing,” said Rick Evrard, the outside counsel KU hired to conduct the investigation and write the self-report.
“Based on the information learned during those interviews, we believe the incidents cited in the report did not take place. We have, therefore, advised the NCAA that we believe it is appropriate to withdraw these violations from our self-report.”