No surprise here: Just a week after Kansas University athletic-department officials sent letters to season-ticket holders informing them that a priority points system would be put into place for football tickets, Friday’s Kansas University Athletic Corporation advisory-board meeting dove into issues regarding the preliminary plan.
The board — which consists of several members of KU’s faculty and staff, along with student representatives and alumni — peppered KU athletic director Lew Perkins with questions regarding the new plan, despite Perkins jokingly hoping the issue would fly under the radar Friday.
Not a chance.
The first two questions Perkins fielded were about the plan, questions similar to those asked a year ago regarding basketball season tickets.
Faculty and staff members also will be subject to the points system.
“Faculty and staff have sections allocated for them,” KU assistant athletic director Brandon Macneill said. “If they are members of the Williams Fund, they can sit according to point total and still get the 20 percent discount.”
Macneill said the plan was too preliminary to answer too many specific questions regarding points and seating possibilities, but officials have said the points system would be similar to basketball. A map of Memorial Stadium with estimated point totals for certain seats should be available in the next few weeks.
Determining who sits where will begin in May. Point totals will be calculated April 22, giving ticket holders more than two months to boost their point totals.