Quarterback Club strikes nondisclosure clause

By J-W Staff Reports     Aug 25, 2005

Generating yet more attention for the revived KU Quarterback Club, former Jayhawks player and assistant coach Pat Henderson decided Wednesday to do away with the paranoid language in the application.

It originally required a signed promise that nothing said at the meeting would be divulged to anyone not at the meeting.

“After thinking about it, we decided to take it out,” said Henderson, assistant athletic director in charge of football operations and traditions. “One reason it was in there was we didn’t want the speakers to feel like if they were telling old war stories and cussed, it would be in the paper the next day. We’ll do it by appealing to everyone’s integrity.”

The first meeting, featuring Jayhawks coach Mark Mangino, is Friday from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the Adams Alumni Center.


Jayhawks turn out for Fan Appreciation Night


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