Feather the Flock uniforms

By Staff     Feb 26, 2004

A Quicktime VR movie showing the new Kansas University marching band uniform from several angles. Click on the Marching Jayhawk, and while holding the mouse button down, move your mouse to view the uniform from different angles.

These clips are posted the day after the original newscast.Click the Play control button to begin the clip.If you have trouble viewing this video clip you may have toGet Quicktime download Quicktime

Need a faster connection? Sunflower High-Speed Internet, a division of Sunflower Broadband, provides Lawrence and Eudora, Kan., area residents and businesses with high-speed Internet access through the local cable system.

Feather the Flock Campaign marches on

By Staff     Jan 29, 2004

The Journal-World’s campaign to feather the Marching Jayhawk flock with new uniforms is stepping toward its goal.

Since the campaign’s Sunday launch, $11,137 in new donations have been made. Combined with donations made to an earlier drive by the Topeka Jayhawk Club and the newspaper, the total reached Wednesday was $44,614.59.



Lawrence Journal-World and Sunflower Broadband


Justin Anderson


Monte C. Johnson

Kay Rathbone Johnson

Angela D. Valadez

Patrick A. Valadez

Ralph Gage

Carolyn A. Barnes

James C. Barnes

Harry Johnson (in honor of)

Barbara Johnson (in honor of)

Dr. Paul H. Getto

Winnifred Getto


James Bredfeldt

Jeffrey K. Unruh

Julie Unruh


Susie Coleman

Nora Kaschube

Betsy Weaver

Frank Hodges

Millie Hodges

Daniel Suiter

Marcia Suiter

Nancy Batchelder

Charles Batchelder

Todd Johnson

Sarah Johnson

Thomas Johnson

Gail Johnson


David M. Carr

Colene DeHoff

Vincent Frye

Dana Frye

Jerome A. Lonergan

Nancy K. Lonergan

Jackie Henman

Gerry McGuire

Jeffrey Draffan

Susan Draffan

To $25

Howie Erenberg

Jeffrey Hessenflow

Jay D. Skinner

Greg Howard

Carol Howard

Sandi Zimlich

Steven Riley

Marcia Riley

Adam Hoffman

Mary Sloan Mozingo

Wednesday total: $44,614.59

Needed to reach goal: $105,385.40

  • Contributions may be forwarded to the KU Endowment Association, P.O. Box 928, Lawrence 66044-0928.
  • Or visit feathertheflock. com to make a donation online.

Feather the Flock campaign update

By Staff     Jan 28, 2004

The Journal-World’s campaign to feather the Marching Jayhawk flock with new uniforms is tuning up, with dozens of donations made since the drive began Sunday. Pick up Thursday’s Journal-World to see the latest total and names of the donors.

    So far: $33,477.59
  • Contributions may be forwarded to the KU Endowment Association, P.O. Box 928, Lawrence 66044-0928.
  • Or visit feathertheflock.com to make a donation online.

6Sports video: Kansas back in form against Buffaloes


5361Feather the Flock campaign update