Kansas University fans who attend the 7 p.m. KU-Iowa State volleyball match a week from today at Horejsi Center will have seats saved for them for Late Night in the Phog hoops festivities, KU associate athletic director Jim Marchiony said Thursday.
“We have a terrific, highly entertaining volleyball team and want to make sure fans know if they want to support the volleyball team and still go to Late Night, that will be possible,” Marchiony said.
Volleyball fans will be given wristbands at the conclusion of the KU-ISU match. The fans then will be escorted into the fieldhouse and likely seated in sections 16 and 17.
“As soon as it fills up with everything but those sections (for the volleyball fans), we’ll shut the doors,” Marchiony said.
Fieldhouse doors will open for Late Night at 7 p.m. and remain open until the building is filled. The fieldhouse usually is filled by about 10 p.m., when the Late Night program begins. There is an admission fee for volleyball, but not for Late Night, although fans are encouraged to bring canned goods, to be donated to area shelters.