KU’s Selfs to work with Big Brothers Big Sisters

By J-W Staff Reports     Oct 1, 2003

First-year Kansas University men’s basketball coach Bill Self and his wife, Cindy, have been named honorary chair and co-chair of Kansas Big Brothers Big Sisters, BBBS officials announced Tuesday.

As honorary chairs, the Selfs will help promote mentoring children through the BBBS program. They will be featured in public service announcements and at events to encourage Kansans to become mentors at local BBBS agencies across the state.

Additionally, Self will involve Little Brothers and Sisters with his basketball program to highlight the organization and the youth waiting to be matched.

“This is great for Cindy and myself to be part of a program that is doing such a great job of aiding Kansas youth,” Self told the Journal-World.

“We look forward to playing as active a role and look forward to participating in as active a role as much as we possibly can.”


Kaun to announce decision Wednesday


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