6Sports video: Leo Bookman focused on becoming world’s fastest

By Staff     Feb 12, 2004

What would the world look like while running the 200 meters in roughly 20 seconds? A big blur. At every track meet, KU junior Leo Bookman blurs his way to the finish line.

These clips are posted the day after the original newscast.Click the Play control button to begin the clip.If you have trouble viewing this video clip you may have toGet Quicktime download Quicktime

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6Sports video: Leo Bookman runs the 200 meter dash in NCAA championships

By Staff     Jun 12, 2003

The runner also plays on KU’s football team.

Click the Play control button to begin the clip.If you have trouble viewing this video clip you may have toGet Quicktime download Quicktime

Need a faster connection? Sunflower High-Speed Internet, a division of Sunflower Broadband, provides Lawrence and Eudora, Kan., area residents and businesses with high-speed Internet access through the local cable system.


UConn reaction to Perkins' departure


37866Sports video: Leo Bookman runs the 200 meter dash in NCAA championships