Allen Bohl, Fresno State University’s athletics director, was introduced Thursday as Kansas University’s new athletics director.
“I’m excited about coming and looking forward to helping KU just grow athletically and pick up on the strengths we have,” Bohl said.
He said he would begin immediately working to promote KU’s athletics programs.
“You can be assured that I recognize that we’re crimson and blue and I’m going to do everything I possibly can to make people feel really good about the Jayhawks,” Bohl said.
Bohl, who will officially start his position Aug. 1, has held the same position at Fresno State for the last five years.
“The appointment of Al Bohl signals the start of a new and exciting era in athletics at the University of Kansas,” KU Chancellor Robert Hemenway said in prepared remarks Thursday. “He brings tremendous energy to the job and an unwavering commitment to excellence and equity in all facets of his responsibilities.”
Bohl, who becomes KU’s 13 athletics director, was introduced during a press conference at KU’s Hadl Auditorium. He replaces Bob Frederick, who announced his resignation April 26 after 14 years as AD.
During his press conference, Bohl said he was “extremely committed to academics.”
“I also come to you with a tremendous commitment to fiscal management and making sure we’re doing the right things to try to have a balanced budget and do the things that help support our programs,” he said.
This year, because of fiscal problems, KU was forced to end its men’s swimming and men’s tennis programs.
Bohl, originally from Vermilion, Ohio, earned a bachelor’s degree with a math major from Bowling Green in 1970, a master’s of education from Southern Mississippi in 1973, and a doctorate in physical education administration from Ohio State in 1978.
Fresno State’s athletics highlights under Bohl’s watch include a 1998 NCAA softball title and back-to-back bowl appearances in football in 1999 and 2000.
Prior to his position at Fresno State, Bohl served as the University of Toledo athletics director from 1987 to 1996.
Catch tonight’s 6 and 10 p.m. 6News broadcasts, and tomorrow’s Lawrence Journal-World, for full coverage of this breaking story.