KU fans pack stadium for rally

By Tom Meagher     Aug 28, 2000

Casey Wilson/Journal-World Photo
Keenan Wycoff, 6, of Law-rence, sneaks a peek as KU senior Bob Schmidt (right) signs his autograph during the fifth annual Kansas Football Get Ready Rally. The event was Saturday at Memorial Stadium.

Nearly 6,000 people crowded the new turf Saturday night at Memorial Stadium, playing games, getting autographs and cheering on the new Jayhawk football squad for the 2000 Get Ready Rally.

Rick Mullen, director of promotions for the Kansas University athletics department, said the pep rally and spirited carnival was a success.

“We had definitely more people than last year. It was pretty packed from end zone to end zone,” Mullen said. “The sun went down behind the press box at 6 p.m. and it all cooled down. It’s a little hot, but everyone had a good time.”

More than a dozen Lawrence businesses sponsored the rally and its events, with games and booths ranging from a mock doorstep for wannabe paper-carriers to a dunk tank.

Journal-World Editor and Publisher Dolph Simons Jr. helped to found the rally five years ago. The Journal-World is the event’s principal sponsor.

Casey Wilson/Journal-World Photo
KU football recruits, with help from the pep band, sing their remixed version of the KU fight song. Dancing up front, left, is Roger Ross, No. 85, wide receiver. Marquis Hays, No. 93, defensive end, adds a move. Leading the song with the microphone is freshman Mario Kinsey, No.14, quarterback. The massive pep rally inaugurated the Jayhawk season.

“This is the largest we’ve had,” Simons said Saturday night. “I feel good about it, and the heat didn’t seem to bother anybody.”

United Parcel Service played host to a padded bull ride. Beginning cowpokes could ride a bull while KU cheerleaders yanked the Bungee lines that made the bull buck. Brian Wise, UPS director of recruiting at KU, said the forecast for this year’s football squad lured his company to the rally.

“This is our first year here. We heard KU would have a great team this year and wanted to be on board,” he said. “We also gave out these fans. We gave out 1,500 of those in the first hour, and we probably had 60 people in line for the bull ride at a time.”

For some fans, the chance to get autographs and shake hands with the football team was too good an opportunity to miss.

“We love the Jayhawks, love football and we keep seeing the program getting better and better,” said diehard fan Cassie Thompson, Lee’s Summit, Mo.. “It’s nice to see the players face to face instead of on the field,” Thompson said. “We’re as excited about the season as they are.”

Casey Wilson/Journal-World Photo
The fifth annual Get Ready Rally held at Memorial Stadium at Kansas University included games, booths and autographs from KU football players. The rally Saturday kicked off the 2000 season for the Jayhawks.

As the games began to wind down, the Marching Jayhawks cleared a path for the team to enter the field from the locker room. Standing on a platform, KU administrators, coaches and players thanked the fans for their support and spirit.

“We’re pleased we’ve had so many young people here tonight and college students,” KU athletics director Bob Frederick said. “I think everyone, everywhere, who comes into Memorial Stadium, says this is a first-class stadium.”

Head football coach Terry Allen, in introducing his team captains and freshman players, said the rally “does get better every year.”


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446KU fans pack stadium for rally