200: Kansas Made Clean Sweep With Aggies

By Staff     Jan 25, 1917

Box score — Kansas 27, Kansas State 19

Kansas made an clean sweep of the basketball series with the Aggies in the first conference games of the session at home, by winning again last night, 27 to 19. The game was a much closer contest than the one Tuesday night and the Aggies led at the end of the first half, 10 to 9. Kansas led in the scoring all they way during the first game.

Prospects for a Valley championship team at K.U. look good after the Jayhawkers’ double victory over the Aggies, who are rated as one of the strongest teams in the valley. The Kansans decisively defeated the Iowa Aggies last week and Coach Hamilton’s proteges appear to be on the march to another valley pennant. Ames played two close games with Missouri, winning one and losing the other, so the dope would indicate that the Jayhawkers have the edge on the Tigers.

The Aggies started in the lead last night when Reynolds threw a free goal early in the game, but Gibbens, the speedy K.U. forward soon dropped one of his long shots into the basket, and the Kansas machine was off for another victory. Kecker, the Aggie left forward, came back with a field goal and the farmers were in the lead again. The first half was a see-saw sort of contest, and it was not until late in the second half that the Jayhawkers started to draw away from the fighting Aggies. At one time in the first half the Aggies were leading the Kansans by three points.

Laslett was the Kansas star, although every man on the team was playing a stellar game. The guarding and floor work of Laslett is said by some of the fans to be the best that has been seen on a Jayhawker court in several years. Wells, the Manhattan football star, who plays guard on the basketball team, played an extremely good game last night. The other most consistent player on the Aggie team was Reynolds, right forward, although Kecker led in the field goal shooting, getting three of the team’s five goals.

Lytle, the big Kansas center, was put out of the game Tuesday night during the first half because of four personal fouls. He played the entire game last night without having a single foul assessed against him. Kansas was fouled fourteen times and the Aggies, ten times. No substitutions were made in the lineup of either team.

The next games played by the Jayhawkers will be at Manhattan, Feb. 2 and 3, with the Aggies. Following that the Missouri Tigers play Kansas at Lawrence, Feb. 6 and 7.



16751200: Kansas Made Clean Sweep With Aggies